UPSC 2023 Mains Expected Question | Check your preparation for 2023 UPSC Exam !!

 UPSC Mains question that can be asked in 2023 Be Prepared for it.

1. In the recent years, there has been a significant increase in the number of farmers' protests in India. Discuss the reasons behind the protests and suggest measures that the government could take to address their grievances ?

Answer for this question is easy, I am writing sample answer you can add accordingly.

Plastic pollution is a significant environmental issue that has been growing in concern in recent years. The main causes of plastic pollution are:

  1. Single-Use Plastic: A large proportion of plastic waste is generated from single-use plastic items, such as bags, bottles, and straws, which are used for a short time and then discarded.

  2. Improper Waste Management: Inadequate waste management systems in many countries have led to plastic waste being discarded improperly, such as littering and illegal dumping, which contributes to plastic pollution.

  3. Plastic Production: The increasing production and consumption of plastic products have led to a significant increase in plastic waste.

The consequences of plastic pollution are far-reaching and can have a negative impact on both the environment and human health. Some of the consequences are:

  1. Marine Debris: Plastic pollution is a major issue in the world's oceans, with plastic debris having a detrimental impact on marine wildlife, such as entanglement, ingestion, and habitat destruction.

  2. Soil Contamination: Plastic waste can also contaminate soil, leading to soil degradation and reduced agricultural productivity.

  3. Human Health: Plastic pollution can release toxic chemicals, such as bisphenol A (BPA), that can have negative effects on human health, particularly for children and fetuses.

To reduce plastic pollution, the following measures can be taken:

  1. Reducing Single-Use Plastic: Governments and businesses can implement policies to reduce the use of single-use plastic items and encourage the use of reusable alternatives.

  2. Improving Waste Management: Effective waste management systems, such as proper collection, transportation, and disposal of plastic waste, can reduce the amount of plastic pollution.

  3. Promoting Recycling: Encouraging the use of recycled plastic products and investing in recycling infrastructure can reduce the amount of plastic waste generated.

  4. Regulating Plastic Production: Governments can regulate the production and disposal of plastic products, such as implementing taxes and bans on certain types of plastic products.

In conclusion, plastic pollution is a significant environmental issue with far-reaching consequences, and it is important to take measures to reduce its impact. By reducing single-use plastic, improving waste management, promoting recycling, and regulating plastic production, we can work towards a more sustainable future.


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UPSC Mains Expected question 2023